"I need more lips!"
Katie and I right before we dug into the awesome chocolate cake Katie made me!
Barbara is one of my family's oldest and dearest friends. She has definitely inherited some baby holding rights!
Georgia Belle chillin with her Uncle Blair

Eden is eyeing Jared in this picture, seconds before she nails him in the nose! They were just teasing, but she got him pretty good!
Naomi enjoying her sparkler! On Saturday she ran up to me right after I woke up and gave me a huge kiss and said "That was your birthday kiss, cause its your birthday Aunt Becca" (it was really cute!)

on Sunday we had the opportunity to go to the blessing of our newest nephew Dean Abram. He's a sweetheart. Here he is with his sister Tavie.
Eden's first sparkler. Last year she was just a little to young to hold it.

Georgia on mama's (Hannah's) shoulder, after a long day of fun, little does she know that she is only minutes from being woken up by screaming firecrackers

Pajama time on the porch swing. Eden's got the best hair!
Eden is eyeing Jared in this picture, seconds before she nails him in the nose! They were just teasing, but she got him pretty good!
on Sunday we had the opportunity to go to the blessing of our newest nephew Dean Abram. He's a sweetheart. Here he is with his sister Tavie.
Georgia on mama's (Hannah's) shoulder, after a long day of fun, little does she know that she is only minutes from being woken up by screaming firecrackers
Pajama time on the porch swing. Eden's got the best hair!
Blair and I drove to Challis for the Fourth and had a really great time. A lot of my family was there including some of the most beautiful little girls you've ever seen before! We had a blast playing together and catching up! You've gotta love family!