Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Last Weekend of Wakeboarding for the Year......goal achieved!!!
Captain and First Mate (Tysen)
This summer I really wanted to land an Indy Grab. I hadn't tried at all last summer, mostly because I didn't feel like I was getting enough air to even attempt one. But the last few times we have gone, Blair has said that I'm getting high enough that I can do it. So....I tried, and after a few attempts....VICTORY!!!! It's nothing grand or remarkable, but an achievement just the same. I was pretty stoked. It was a pretty great day.
(notice the grin and the waving arm...such a cheerleader)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Biking in Cd'A
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Happy Birthday to me! (oh ya, and America too!!)
"I need more lips!"
Katie and I right before we dug into the awesome chocolate cake Katie made me!
Barbara is one of my family's oldest and dearest friends. She has definitely inherited some baby holding rights!
Georgia Belle chillin with her Uncle Blair

Eden is eyeing Jared in this picture, seconds before she nails him in the nose! They were just teasing, but she got him pretty good!
Naomi enjoying her sparkler! On Saturday she ran up to me right after I woke up and gave me a huge kiss and said "That was your birthday kiss, cause its your birthday Aunt Becca" (it was really cute!)

on Sunday we had the opportunity to go to the blessing of our newest nephew Dean Abram. He's a sweetheart. Here he is with his sister Tavie.
Eden's first sparkler. Last year she was just a little to young to hold it.

Georgia on mama's (Hannah's) shoulder, after a long day of fun, little does she know that she is only minutes from being woken up by screaming firecrackers

Pajama time on the porch swing. Eden's got the best hair!
Eden is eyeing Jared in this picture, seconds before she nails him in the nose! They were just teasing, but she got him pretty good!
on Sunday we had the opportunity to go to the blessing of our newest nephew Dean Abram. He's a sweetheart. Here he is with his sister Tavie.
Georgia on mama's (Hannah's) shoulder, after a long day of fun, little does she know that she is only minutes from being woken up by screaming firecrackers
Pajama time on the porch swing. Eden's got the best hair!
Blair and I drove to Challis for the Fourth and had a really great time. A lot of my family was there including some of the most beautiful little girls you've ever seen before! We had a blast playing together and catching up! You've gotta love family!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Our Third Anniversary....can you believe it!
We went to the Melting pot for our anniversary on Tuesday. We had soo much fun. The food was so good and the whole setting was really fun and entertaining. We had lobster, filet, sirloin, pork, chicken, and shrimp! They bring out chunks of all this meat for you to cook at your table and then they have 8 dipping sauces to try them all with. SOOOOOO GOOD! We had turtle fondue for dessert (chocolate and caramel) and had all the yummy fruit and cake to dip it in. Needless to say it was awesome and we were full. Blair got me a beautiful coral colored leather HOBO international clutch for my present, and I got him a new wallet and a wakeboarding ballast pump. We made out like bandits!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Bye Durango..No don't Cry..It's not you, It's me
Well, sadly, we have moved on. We sold the Durango yesterday. It was soooo sad! I cried, I'm not gonna lie. A guy in the valley bought it for his 16 year old daughter, and all I could think about was how many things she was going to run into. Poor Durango. These are the final pictures of our Durango...Now on to the new love I guess
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Portland and the Oregon Coast
Blair and I decided to take a weekend and go to the coast. It worked out perfectly because Gonzaga was playing in Portland the day we were headed to the coast. Blair did some business in Hood River on the way and then it was fun from there on out! We had such a good time and are excited to do it again!!
Monstrous Wave!
This is one of my favorite pictures from our trip. The second night we stayed in this place called the Looking Glass Inn that was right on the water in Lincoln City. We went out to the water and watched all the sea lions play. It was fun. A dog actually chased a few of them!
Our first dayin Oregon we went to the Gonzaga vs. Akron game. It was really fun and we got pretty good seats too! We were in a litte cluster of Gonzaga fans.

Victory! Too bad it only lasts so long.
our first night in Portland we walked around down town and had some good food! We stayed at a hotel on the river (a very water-themed vacation).
Here is me and one of my good friends Abe. We were buddies ever since middle school! it was really great to spend some time with him. He showed Blair and I around Portland and had lunch.
ooooooo the Cheese!!! Tillamook! Blair's pretty much favorite food is Cheese.
Victory! Too bad it only lasts so long.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Carter is Home!!!
Thank you all for keeping the Rex Family in your prayers!! Their sweet little one got to go home with them on Sunday. Avery is loving him and loving being a big sister. I'm so excited for them and its so wonderful!! We love you Rex Family!!!
Monday, February 23, 2009 its been forever
For Christmas Blair and I stayed in Spokane and had Christmas out at the Roland home in Post Falls. I flew the day after Christmas down to California and spent a week with my family. While I was flying Blair drove his Aunt and Mom to Arizona where he hung out for the week. We met back up together in Pheonix and made the long drive to Spokane. We hit some pretty crazy snow storms, but we made it home alright. It was so wonderful to see family. We even stopped in vegas and saw Grandma and Aunt Donna. it was wonderful. We hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and holiday season.
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