Alec up in the ladder eating apples

Here's Reece trying to pull the girls in the wagon. He soon turned around and asked Blair if he would keep pulling the girls and the apples. Reece is one of the sweetest kids I know.

Here's Reece and his uncle Blair

We are under a tent hiding from the rain. It kept sprinkling on and off. Truly a fall day

Kiersten, Kalle, Kreg, and Baby Tysen (the shelby family)

Emmy and Aunt Becca

Luke. He kept trying to roll the pumpkins, making his own stash of good ones

Emmy and Elyse loving the apples

Ly-see bug is Kyndra's and Aaron's youngest. She's hilarious. She can hardly muster a smile, but when you get one its totally worth it.

Kalle sharing her pumpkin with me

Alec picking out his favorite pumpkins!
Every fall we go to GreenBluff and pick apples and pumpkins. We have famouse pumpkin donuts and walk around the orchard with nieces and nephews on foot and in the wagon. This year was a lot of fun. I even made an apple pie after.